6 Tips From Our Most Experienced Celebrants

career funerals membership wedding Jul 19, 2022

Celebrancy is more than a job. It is a community of people who want to promote one thing - Love. 

When you train with the International College of Professional Celebrants, you join a group of people who are on the same journey as you. These people are not your competitors, but your colleagues.. You can give and receive advice, support each other during emotional times and get to know each other on a more intimate level than any of your friends or colleagues elsewhere. 

One question we are frequently asked is - can anyone become a Celebrant? Does celebrancy require a qualification? Who can be a celebrant? To help answer these questions, we have compiled advice from our most experienced celebrants. They share insights into the career and where it can take you, so that you can decide if this is the right journey for you to be on. We also have a quiz you can take, by clicking here, to help you determine whether or not you’d suit being a celebrant. 


We are often asked, is it hard to be a celebrant? The answer is - yes, it can be. But a member of ICPC told us that the best thing you can do as a new celebrant is persevere. She said “perseverance is the key to getting bookings, dealing with the challenges of the job, and helps you to enjoy the rewards more”. 


Another celebrant suggested that being a ‘permanent student’ is the best way to enjoy your celebrancy career to the max. We could not agree more. There is no such thing as a silly question, and when you have celebrant peers around you, you can access great answers, tips and advice from others. Ask when you need help or aren’t sure about something. Even right now, you might be asking ‘is celebrancy for me’ and we are here to help you answer that question. 


An ICPC trained  celebrant advises to go forward with honesty and transparency as a key business value. She said ‘Be honest about yourself and with yourself. Be honest with your clients and with other celebrants”. If you are honest, you uphold true integrity and your clients will thank you for that and are more likely to recommend you to others. If there is a problem, always be transparent and ensure everybody knows exactly what is going on at all times. At ICPC we also follow the principle that honesty is the best policy - if we don’t think celebrancy is for you, we will advise you why.. If we think something needs working on, we will help you. We are there for you no matter what. 

Don’t compare

One ICPC trained celebrant advises not to compare yourself to other celebrants. They are going at their own pace and you are going at yours. Everyone is different and has unique circumstances, and if you are worried about bookings, keep reminding yourself that they will come! Consider other celebrants your peers and coaches, not your competitors. 

Use your Funeral Directors

Funeral directors are an invaluable resource. Use your funeral director often, ask questions, learn about their trade. The more you speak to your local funeral directors, the more you will learn and discover about celebrancy. If you are specialising in funerals over weddings, this is particularly important, as you will get much of your business through the funeral director. 



Finally, our ICPC trained celebrant said “Do plenty of research”. By this, she specifically meant research into your market, your local suppliers and services, and the demand in your area for celebrancy services. Continue to do research throughout your career - after all, things change! If you are currently researching celebrancy jobs, celebrancy careers or how to become a celebrant, then that’s a great start. Remember you can also take our quiz. 


Become a Celebrant

If you would like to join our supportive community, have a look at some of the training opportunities we have. Not only do we show you everything you need to  become a celebrant, but can support you after your training is complete too.