Coming Soon: The ICPC Platinum Diploma

career Dec 22, 2022

We are proud to announce that as of April 2023, we will be offering new and existing celebrants access to The Platinum Diploma - a NOCN accredited higher diploma that incorporates both the Diploma in Couples and Naming, and the Diploma in Funerals. 

The Platinum Diploma is the highest level of qualification achievable within the celebrancy industry - and we have created an easy-to-follow, 10-project course for you to complete either in addition to, or independently from, our residential training. 

Whether you are considering training with us for the first time, or have been established as a celebrant for years, this career-enhancing course will equip you not only with additional tools and knowledge, but an accreditation that reflects your professionalism and advanced skillset. Furthermore, this diploma is open to celebrants who gained their training elsewhere. 

Why Go Platinum?

Currently, ICPC offers its delegates the chance to complete the NOCN accredited Level 3 Certificate in Civil Celebrancy. The Platinum Diploma is an upgrade from this. 

Why upgrade to the Platinum Diploma? Here are a list of reasons:

  • The Platinum DIploma is the highest possible celebrancy qualification available, and is exclusively offered by the International College of Professional Celebrants. The diploma has been fully verified by an external verifier and is accredited with NOCN.
  • The course combines funeral, naming and wedding qualifications making it incredibly inclusive. Celebrants are better prepared and more successful when they can perform all types of ceremonies to the highest degree of quality. 
  • The content has been written by celebrants, for celebrants, and is both comprehensive and holistic. 
  • You will have access to lecture videos, study notes and a personal tutor to support and guide you through the process.
  • You can progress to the diploma at a discounted price if you have already completed the Level 3 Certificate in Civil Celebrancy certificate with us. 

Your Options Explained

Interested in learning more? Here’s what you need to know:

If you have not yet trained with us but intend to. 

You have two options available. You can either join our residential (or online) training with the Level 3 Certificate in Civil Celebrancy, or the Platinum Diploma. There is a price difference between the two. The residential training with the certificate is £2725 and the residential training with the Platinum Diploma is £4500.

If you have trained with us already

You have two options. You can either stick with the Level 3 Certificate in Civil Celebrancy already acquired through your training. Or you can progress your certificate to the Platinum Diploma for a discounted cost of £1775. 

If you are NOCN qualified but not through ICPC

If you trained elsewhere, you can still take our Platinum Diploma for a cost of £1775. Please get in touch with us to discuss this.

The course is designed with quality in mind. At ICPC, we pride ourselves on training Celebrants to the highest possible standards, and look for delegates who share an interest in providing an excellent service. If this sounds like you, call us now to discover more about The Platinum Diploma.
If you have not yet trained as a celebrant, we have a quiz you can take to determine if this is the right career path for you. Click here to take the quiz.