Could You Benefit From Professional Coaching?

celebrant training Jul 14, 2023

If you are a newly trained or fully established celebrant, you might be wondering how you can develop your business and feel more confident within your role. Many of us have teething problems when starting out in celebrancy -and although worrying, this is normal and expected. Similarly, many established celebrants can face a few hurdles along their journey. 

This is why we recommend professional business coaching available FREE here at The International College of Professional Celebrants. 

What is coaching for?

Coaching can be used in many different areas of life. Coaching for careers, for relationships, for health matters and much, much more. While you can find coaches anywhere (and in abundance), there are very few who specifically cater to Celebrancy as a career. This is why ICPC has stepped in to offer Celebrancy coaching to its members. This coaching will help you to

  • Grow your celebrancy business
  • Gain confidence in areas where you are currently lacking
  • Ask questions that can be answered by experts in the celebrancy field
  • Learn new skills and information 
  • Get motivated and inspired
  • Market yourself more effectively

What are the benefits of having a business coach? 

According to research published in 2022, the top five most common benefits of business coaching are increased self-confidence (80%), improved relationships (73%), communication skills (72%), interpersonal skills (71%), and work performance (70%).

Self Confidence 

Confidence is key when it comes to any business, and is required in celebrancy to help you gain new clients, speak publicly to large crowds of strangers, and sell yourself via your marketing strategies (e.g producing video content for your website). Confidence is really the backbone to everything else. 

Improved Relationships / Interpersonal Skills

Celebrancy is all about people. You need to communicate with customers, suppliers, Funeral Directors, families and guests. You also will meet other celebrants and form networks. By improving these relationships, you improve your celebrancy business and reputation. 

Communication Skills

From your marketing efforts to your eulogy delivery, communication is a key theme across your entire career. Enhancing your communication skills so that you are more assertive will help to boost your career. 

Work Performance

Coaching ultimately improves your work performance, helping you gain the skills and confidence to bring in more customers, book more ceremonies, meet your financial targets and become a leader in your field. 

How can ICPC help?

When you become a member with ICPC, you gain access to FREE coaching sessions. You can also have a look at some of our other offerings for Celebrants, such as one to one coaching and further development courses. 

Any celebrant, whether you’ve trained with us or not, can become a member. Signing up is easy. Click here.