How We Accommodate Neuro Diverse Learning Styles in Celebrancy Training

career celebrant training Feb 05, 2024

At ICPC we recognise that Celebrancy attracts people with good communication skills, empathy and the desire to be at the heart of people’s most important moments of their lives. These skills enable us to train and support excellent Celebrants. However, even though these skills may be a common feature with our delegates, how they learn may be very different.

In 2023, it was estimated that around 20% of the UK population is ‘neurodivergent’ (differing in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal), with this term encompassing numerous conditions such as ADHD, autistic spectrum disorder, dyspraxia, dyslexia and dyscalculia. As such, we can reasonably predict that 1 in 5 adults will receive, process and express information in a way that is not what is considered ‘typical’. 

With that in mind, it makes sense that our celebrancy training is designed to welcome and include those with neuro diverse backgrounds so that they can learn and train in a way that gives equal opportunities to all. We know and appreciate that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is no longer effective or appropriate, and take steps to ensure that anyone can train to be a celebrant should they have the desired traits and passion to do so

Things We Consider with Neurodiverse Learning

First and foremost, we appreciate that you are the expert on your condition. Whether it is diagnosed or not, we are keen to hear from you about how we can make reasonable adjustments to ensure you are learning at your best. We know that some neurodiverse people require no adaptations whatsoever, whereas others might want some small but important changes to be made. So the first thing we ask you to do if you are booking our celebrancy training course is to let us know how  we can help you to train most effectively. We will never assume your needs and want to be guided by you as to how we might best help you.

Secondly, we appreciate that no two neurodiverse people are the same, even if they have the same diagnosis. How one person experiences, let’s say, autism, can be completely different to another and this is again why we rely on you to share your personal preferences. 

Neurodiversity brings with it a broad range of distinctive strengths and challenges, shaping the way individuals process information and engage with the world. Here are some aspects we consider:

Stimuli and Senses

One aspect of neurodiverse learning styles is the variability in sensory processing. For example, individuals with autism may have heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, affecting their response to sounds, lights, or textures. On the other hand, those with ADHD may seek additional sensory input to maintain focus or might fidget, doodle or make verbal sounds while working to aid concentration. Understanding and accommodating these differences can significantly enhance the learning experience for neurodiverse learners.Talk to us if you have any sensory needs, and we can factor this in when designing and delivering your course and accommodation. 

How You Hear and Absorb Information

Cognitive processing styles can differ within the neurodiverse community. Some individuals may excel in visual-spatial reasoning, while others may have a strong preference for logical or verbal reasoning. We believe in leveraging your strengths in the learning process. We also know that some neurodiverse people can struggle more with receiving auditory information, and have a heavier preference for visual and written representations instead. This is something we can accommodate. For example, we might be able to give you written instructions ahead of an activity normally delivered verbally, or check in with you during the day to reiterate anything you might have missed or forgotten. We also know that some learners might benefit from ‘brain breaks’ and encourage you to speak to us if you feel this applies to you. 

Executive Functioning

‘Executive function’,(a set of mental skills including working memory, flexible thinking, following directions and emotional control), varies widely among neurodiverse individuals. While some may struggle with these aspects, others might demonstrate exceptional abilities in certain areas. Recognising and providing support for executive function differences enables neurodiverse learners to navigate educational challenges more effectively. For example, you might be someone who interrupts and struggles to wait their turn in group work, or someone who finds preparing and executing a task challenging. Conversely, you might excel at these, and this can be handy for us to know when structuring certain activities. 

Social Interaction

At ICPC, we like to foster a community feel within our cohorts and membership. Socialising and peer to peer work plays a significant role in our celebrancy training delivery. But we also know and appreciate that some people might find this prospect daunting. Individuals with social communication disorders, often associated with autism, might need to be supported with certain activities, or might prefer certain communication styles and strategies over others. People with ADHD might thrive more on social stimuli and exciting activities. Our main training location, High Trenhouse, is also a perfect setting to cater to diverse groups because it offers so much - from quiet and tranquil environments, to a fun and thriving bar and entertainment room. 

Flexible Assessments

Flexibility in assessment methods is essential to cater to neurodiverse learning styles. That’s why we are so pleased to offer our Level 3 Certificate in Civil Celebrancy and our Platinum Double Diploma as online courses that you can do in your own time alongside / after your training. You can learn at your own pace and be assessed in a person-centric and inclusive manner. 

Recognising Low Confidence in Learning

As adult learners, we did not benefit as children from the science, support and understanding that neurodiverse children today receive. Many neurodivergent adults struggled at school because the education system did not facilitate alternative learning styles, and often adults with undiagnosed neurodiversity can feel lacking in confidence about academia as a result. 

Please speak to us if you feel worried about going back into education, and be assured that we acknowledge no two learners are the same and that all learning styles are welcome. 

Call us on 03333404434 to talk more to us about our residential celebrancy courses. Or, book a call with us by clicking here