It’s Engagement Season: Here’s What You Need to Know

engagement proposal ring wedding Feb 28, 2022

About 37% of engagements happen between November and February. This is because a large quantity of engagements take place over Christmas, New Years and Valentines Day. As a wedding celebrant, this may be a perfect time to showcase your skills as you help couples start their journey towards marriage. To make this happen, you may need to know a few tips that can help make the season a success. Here is what you need to know:


Improve Your Social Media Skills

As couples get engaged, they tend to turn to social media for inspiration. This gives you an excellent platform to test your social media skills by offering relevant content to your audience. You can get creative and market yourself through online platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and get to reap huge benefits for your celebrancy career.


Soon after the engagement, most couples will start their wedding plans. You may land some clients who are likely to require your support right from engagement through to their wedding ceremony. 


Showcase Your Celebrancy Skill

Wedding fayres are a great way to showcase what you do. When couples get engaged, many of them head to fayres to find services and products for their big day. Setting up a stall at these fayres will help you meet new customers and book weddings for the summer and autumn ahead. 


Show Some Creativity in Your Work

As a wedding celebrant, you need to identify what exactly you need to offer to your clients during the engagement season. 

If you already have a website up, consider creating blog posts with a bias on engagement tips or upload content that focuses more on the newly engaged. This is likely to generate more leads to your website as you give helpful tips to potential clients. As a result, you get more business opportunities. You may also want to consult online planning resources for more insights. 


Join our online marketing course

We are now offering a digital marketing course for new and existing celebrants who want to make the most of every seasonal opportunity. You can learn more about engagement seasons and strategies you can use to pull in my clients and book more weddings than ever. To enquire, please call us. 


The Takeaway

With love in the air, your celebrancy business could be headed in the right direction. February is the month of love and this season comes with surprises that can only mean more business opportunities.

If you need professional guidance, the International College of Professional Celebrants is here to help. Call us today at 033 33 404 434 and we will be happy to offer guidance and valuable tips to help grow your celebrancy business.