The Role of Courage in Celebrancy

celebrant training Jul 06, 2023

Maya Angelo said, “Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practise any other virtue consistently”. She’s right! Courage is the backbone of every positive thing we do - every achievement, every milestone, every other attribute we possess. 

Think about it for a moment. Let’s say you have a dream to do something - it could be to write a book, or do a degree in later life, or have a baby against all odds - the first thing you need is courage. The rest (passion, humility, motivation, humour, resilience etc) can only be harnessed if you have the courage to begin on that journey and keep going. 

The same applies to becoming a celebrant, and to keeping your celebrancy career going once it is established. 

Here’s more on why courage really matters in this industry.

The Courage To Begin Training

So you’re asking yourself - should I become a celebrant? What qualifications do I need to become a celebrant? How do I begin celebrancy training? These are good questions to begin you on your journey. Training to be a celebrant is a big leap - it’s a financial investment, time away from your home to complete the course, and a possible career change away from the familiar. Yes, it is clear to say - courage is needed when taking this first step. But we want to help you. When you train with us, we support you in every aspect of your celebrancy journey from start to finish. 

Not quite sure if you are up to the job? Take our quiz and find out if celebrancy is a viable career path for you. 

The Courage To Get Started

When you are trained as a celebrant, you will be involved in all manner of important ceremonies - all of which require courage. You might be faced with extremely distressing and challenging situations such as the funeral of a child. Or, you might need to speak in front of dozens of strangers - no easy feat! You may have a ceremony that evokes a lot of memories, or, in a more practical sense, find yourself immersed in admin and planning to the point of overwhelm. Whatever happens in your career - good or bad - you will need courage to face it with utmost professionalism. 

The Courage To Keep Going

Once you have established yourself in the celebrancy market, hopefully you will have consistent work and a good marketing strategy to guarantee more in the future. But even the most prepared celebrants can hit walls. Courage will be needed, in these circumstances, to find solutions to business problems, keep the work steady, and maintain high levels of motivation. 

One great way to do this is to become an ICPC member. Membership opens you up to a network of celebrants who act as your peers - to help you with your journey, in the same way you can help them with theirs. 

Do You Have The Courage To Become A Celebrant?

We’d love to hear more about why you want to become a celebrant. What is motivating you in this direction? Or, if you are re-entering celebrancy after a break, we’d love to know what has brought you back and how we can help you maintain your business going forward. Contact us today for more information. Email [email protected] or call us on 033 33 494 434