Why Does Celebrancy Training Matter?
Apr 15, 2024
Thinking about becoming a Celebrant but not sure how to get started? Here’s why celebrancy training matters and should be considered as a first step in your celebrancy journey.
You will be better prepared
In any business, success is more likely if you are prepared. Knowing exactly how to attract customers, write a ceremonial script, deliver an exceptional personalised ceremony and win repeat business is important for a long-lasting career. Training in celebrancy covers all aspects of the business, not just ceremonies. You will learn marketing strategies, creative writing techniques and learn from trainers who are also working celebrants. When you complete your training you will feel ready to embark upon your celebrancy career the next day, rather than having to ‘learn as you go’. To read more about our training, download our brochure.
You’ll be psychologically informed
Celebrancy is all about love, and with love comes a wealth of emotions. You will be handling very delicate situations in your future career, from the loss of a child to the renewal of vows in later life, and you must be psychologically prepared for this. When you train with ICPC, we do more than show you how to write and deliver a ceremony. We help you to prepare, in your own mind, the enormous undertakings of the role and the emotional responsibilities that come with it. To read more about this, click here.
You’ll have a network
Training with ICPC is more than just learning how to become a celebrant. It is also about developing a deep network of friends and peers to go forth with you into your career. During your stay at our venue, you will have time to socialise and get to know your peers. You can, after training, enjoy a free 12 month ICPC membership, and meet with other celebrants in your area. Read more about why it’s important for celebrants to be your peers, not your competition, here.
Your customers will trust you
Celebrants with formal training and recognised and accredited qualifications will naturally be more trusted in the marketplace, especially at the beginning before any repeat business comes in. You can proudly display your ICPC badge and Level 3 Certificate or Platinum Double Diploma and show your new customers the commitment, dedication and knowledge you possess.
You’ll surprise yourself
Many of our delegates begin their journeys thinking they want to be a funeral-only celebrant, or a wedding-only celebrant, only to completely change their minds during training. There are elements to weddings, funerals and other ceremonies that you may have overlooked while doing your own research. ICPC gives you a thorough and comprehensive understanding of all elements of celebrancy, which is something most training providers fail at. This way, you can keep an open mind, and might find that you surprise yourself with the direction you steer your career in.
Come and train with us! Head over to our residential training page, select your dates, location and qualification and, if applicable, make use of our many payment plans. Click here to book. Or, you can speak to one of our friendly team by booking a call here.